Victory! Слава героям!

Hooray! Today is the day I get to write a happy post! I love Victory Day. I love those sweet old WWII veterans that walk around Moscow carrying flowers and getting kissed on the cheek by pretty young girls.  If I were in Moscow today I would be kissing them all! On days like this I remember why I love Russia and Ukraine(and I’m sure I would love Belarus too) so much. Because they have been through so much–tragedy after tragedy and they are still the most wonderful, loving and open-hearted people you will ever meet in your life.

They deserve this day. They deserve a day to celebrate after all that they’ve been through.

Here are a series of happy photos to lighten your mood after my previous two posts(on the Destruction of War and the Faces of War. The modern pictures come from this awesome article from about Victory Day. There are many more beautiful photos. I didn’t include them all in my post. They made my heart swell with love.

Please push play on this song and listen as you look at the pictures.

Поздравляю всех с Днем ВЕЛИКОЙ Победы!!!

Victory Then and Now

Raising the Soviet flag over Berlin on the original Victory Day
Raising the Soviet flag over Berlin on the original Victory Day

These beautiful present day pictures come from this article from The Boston Globe.

Victory Day parade in Minsk, 2011




A Soviet lady giving the ‘fig’ to German POWs



I hope this day will continue to be a celebration for people of all ages for centuries to come. May we always remember these heroes’ sacrifice!


2 thoughts on “Victory! Слава героям!

  1. For a relatively young war horse (60 years young Israeli by birth) I was left with a lump in my throat and foggy eyes. As you have written “they deserve a day to celebrate after all that they’ve been through.” It makes my journey through war most insignificant in comparison. Thank you dear.

  2. Отлично!Просто отлично!

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